
Quiet Time with my Thoughts

There have been few times throughout my life where thoughts have not come easily to me; so needless to say I have quite an abundance of them stored up in my head from time to time. At times this is helpful. My thoughts can create a beautiful library, where each book contains a thought. I can run my finger across the spines of the books and pull inspiration from whichever I chose. I can easily ramble off topic after topic of conversation, and there have been several occurrences where I have accidentally help my boyfriend captive on the other line of a call while I continue to spout off different conversational points. However, there is a second side to every coin.


Summary-Synthesis Report #3   Summary: In chapters 9 through 11 of Scrolling Forward, David Levy discusses several main topics that he uses to close his book. The first of these topics is the importance of documents in our lives. In chapter 9, Levy states that “all of them [documents] are helping us make and maintain …

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Writing Prompt: Feminism and Affect at the Scene of Argument

A situation where pleasure was used as a rational to distract from an argument could largely be summed up in the debates surrounding Medicaid and Medicare. Many people are against having their taxes go to services like this because they do not see the benefit of it, since they do not use it. However, there …

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Four Responses to SSR 2 Questions

For this assignment, I responded to: Jacob Mohammadi: https://mohammadi300blog.wordpress.com/2018/04/18/ssr-2/ Sara McKay: https://sara126923705.wordpress.com/2018/04/18/ssr-2/comment-page-1/#comment-6 Austin Hill: https://austinjhill.wordpress.com/2018/04/25/ssr-2/comment-page-1/#comment-4 Aleena Ahmed: https://aleenaahmed578780332.wordpress.com/2018/04/18/summary-synthesis-report-2/comment-page-1/#comment-11

Summary-Synthesis Response #2

Summary-Synthesis Response #2 Summary: LuMing Mao’s book, Reading Chinese Fortune Cookie, The Making of Chinese American Rhetoric, Mao discusses how Chinese American rhetoric was formed, and the implications that this rhetoric creates. Mao discusses the paradox that directly effects the Chinese American rhetoric. He describes this paradox by saying that “we now live in this …

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Story Board for Group Project

Our group project will focus on the paradigm shift that is currently taking place within the discourse surrounding America's response after tragedies caused by gun violence. We are in the midst of a shift from only offering thoughts and prayers to seeing actions and potential reforms that would ideally prevent similar events from occurring (as …

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